Monday, May 4, 2009

steal your music

I saw this Jessica Simpson video in the gym the other night. If there's a clearer explanation for the music industry's woes I can't think of one. Their sales aren't falling because of BitTorrent. They're falling because the crap they pump out is the musical equivalent of a reality show. Apparently they expect you to buy recordings of no-talent hacks simply because there's a few million imbeciles out there who will sit on their dead asses and watch no-talent hacks on tv, as long as it's free. And that's really what the music industry either just doesn't get or won't acknowledge - there's loads of people out there "stealing" music, but a very, very small percentage of them would actually pay for the crap they're stealing. If they couldn't "steal" it inside of 5 minutes they just wouldn't listen to it.

This Jessica Simpson song is built on top of a sample of Jack and Diane. Lately I seem to be hearing all sorts of recycled crap. Who wants to listen to this shit, much less pay money for it. And you shouldn't pay money for it. When you plunk down 10 or 15 bucks for a cd the artist is lucky to get a dollar of that. The rest of it goes to fund the marketing machinery that shovels horseshit like Jessica Simpson down the throats of Middle America. Fuck 'em. Don't pay for anything. Very quickly the labels will go down the tubes and any artist worth a shit will figure out they don't need the labels to get their music heard.

And just the fact that the labels are able to whore out Mellencamp's song like this should be reason enough not to give them your money. You think John Mellencamp is pleased with this new rendition of his song? But he doesn't own it, so he's fucked. The labels are dirtbags, steal everything you can from them.